Sunday, November 8, 2009

twerk team vs superhead: video hoes divided

ok i dont get how one hoe can call out some other hoe(s). its like a crack head calling out another crack head. you all do the same thing, you bend over for money and you give women bad names. i dont get how women think men calling you a ho or telling you they want to fuck is cute. what will you do when your future employer happens to see these videos? or when you children see this? i know superhead son probably has a hard time for his momm doing what she did. twerk team should have learned from her BUT instead they go down the same road she did. like i read what she most people say worst shit then what super head said about these little heffas. the whole reason for them making that video was so they could launch themselves off superhead back. like ladies come better. make it to the top right way. no one respects you or takes you serious. even the guys that say they would wife you wouldnt take you serious so please believe he wont be staying faithful to you hoes. they quick to get on superhead but doesnt this twerk slut chick have nude pics on the net. so who's the real hoe? just because you had a 6 second clip in ester dean video it doesnt make you a celeb. lady l is bi supposedly and betty butt needs to hit the proactive hardbody. so they tried to cut ass yet they arent the baddest in the world. the sick twisted pervs make them think they the baddest bitches out. please super head prettier then all yall. it was cute when betty said "they call u superhead cuz ya pussy wack" well niggas only wanna see yall bend over because brains are what you hoes lack. so how about that one ladies. like lets be for real. you girls give black women a bad name and make it hard for us to gain the respect most of us deserve. so dont call the kettle black. i mean the truth hurts when the mirror is placed up to you isnt it?

riri vs chris.....:who do you believe

so this weekend riri went on 20/20 to in my opinion "bash chris." we dont know what really happened. im not standing up for chris or his actions BUT im having a hard time believing rihianna and her interview. its like....her body language was very questionable, the way she answered questions it sound very rehearsed. she just didnt seem she was to into the whole interview. i also feel chris doing an interview the same nite was trying to cover up something like it was going to do damage control when it really didnt. no one can say who hit who 1st. no 1 was in that car to discuss that. i just hope the both of them can move from this and stay out of the headlines.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kill Yourself

Kill yourself if you wear flip flops in 60 degree weather or below
Kill yourself if you started wearing snorkels its nowhere near december
Kill yourself if you a lil mama fan...she not cool
Kill yourself if you think that twerk team are real dancers....seriously
Kill yourself if you think uggs and leggings are cute
Kill yourself if you still copyin other people essays...FYL
Kill yourself if you still in a gang....thats so 2000
Kill yourself if you are 18 and up and still in high school taking regents
Kill yourself if you support tila's movement.....werd?
Kill yourself if you still wear pardas we off those u shuld b too
Kill yourself if u let 5 niggas smashed but claim u was raped FYL
Kill yourself if you dont think lady gaga is da shit
Kill yourself if u still run from the cops
Kill yourself if u still hop the turnstile
Kill yourself if u still on hi5,blackplanet or xanga
Kill yourself if u a cheater. if u cheat relationships aint 4 u
Kill yourself if u can talk 2 me online and shit but in school cant say nothin. fuck u, kill urself and keep it pushin on campus
Kill yourself if u wear crocs.....shit aint cool
Kill yourself if ur a dude and u wear shoes wit no socks
Kill yourself if u a chix wit ashy hands...invest in sum lotion
Kill yourself if u wear open back shoes and have built up dead skin...get a pedicure....twice
Kill yourself if u a homewrecker bitch.....cant stand those
Kill yourself if u think beyonce had the best video of the year...a black and white video...not that poppin

Sunday, September 13, 2009

ok so as we all know some of us are getting very tired of the whole "jon and kate" saga. i honestly feel there are 2 sides to this story and someone isnt telling the full god honest truth. its like come on. the more and more this is dragged out your kids are going to hate you more and more. jon said he loves hailey more then he loves sorry but regardless or not no next chick should have your love more then the mother of your kids. its wrong and makes no sense. like come on. he goes on tv and cries his eyes out. buddy your image has been trashed give it up. your kids are going to hate you so enjoy time with them now

celebs get beat its a huge deal

I dont get why every time a female celeb is beaten up the whole world feels the need to stop. It makes no sense. Women are beaten every single day. Most of the women who r in shelters are there because they are running from an abusive lover. I dont see the world stopping for them. Its like dont start givin pity because chris brown went upside rihanna head or because tila got her ass beat supposedly. 1 i dont condone any domestic violence what so eva. However im finding tila's story hard 2 believe. 1 the football player said she was drunk. She says she cant drink. On her show "shot at love" what the hell were they drinkin during the toast? Water? Like if you gonna lie make it a good 1. Also she tweets way too much. This is why the damn DA aint taking this girl serious. They prolly think its a stunt for her 2 up her fanbase. She tweeting everything thats going on and what they are doing. Do like rihanna SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT IT. U see the hell they givin chris brown maybe shawn wulda got it 2 if you woulda shut the hell up. Like i dont get the people in this damn country. 1st yall so quick to jump on tila jock but an AVERAGE women gets her ass beat everyone turns the other way. Cut the bullshit 4 real. If you gonna be for a cause be for it all the way not because so tv whore got her ass handed to her. Then again i wanna see a note from a doctor stating them bruises were legit. Like come on. I hate the way this shit going down. Same way people only act patriotic on 9/11 because it was an attack on american soil.......werd?....really....SO WAT THE FUCK WAS PEARL HARBOR AND THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION???? REMEMBER WEN JAPAN BOMBED HAWAII AND BRITIAN CAME AND TRIED 2 KICK OUR ASS? WHERE IS ALL THE LUV 4 THAT???? Please people cut your bullshit because its not right

Saturday, June 27, 2009

isnt guilt a bitch

isnt guilt and karma 2 of the biggest bitches u eva met in we know micahel jackson died this week....and alot of shit is coming out of the wood works.....u kno how all of you r quick 2 say michael was a sick pedophile....well it looks like u bastards are about 2 swallow and choke on ur words...the little boy who accused him of molesting him in 1993 has reported that he lied....his father forced him to say mike touched him so they could sue and get some of michael's hard earned i know we all lied and scammed at one point in our lives for money....but that was to the extreme... this man's career was ruined and was one of the reason's that he became a pill popper and eventually killed him way b4 his wtf....were you that poor? did u really have cancer? how can you sit now and ask for forgiveness.....if i were in michael family it wouldnt b any sympathy because that wont bring mike back....karma is a are on a slow ball to hell

hahah lets see you live it down

now we all know the risk of sendin people nude pics....they may get shown to other people who werent meant to see them, the may get shown in school orrrr u can be like the infamous mizz twerksum (from the twerk team) and ur pics can be all ova the net on PORN website lmao. i will not blow the site up. a grimey nigga posted it all on youtube and when i saw them i had to laugh....

this is the mizz twerksum u sick horn dogs luv 2 sit and watch

bet half yall aint kno wat dis bitch grill looked like cuz she 2 busy showin her ass but back 2 the blog you bend over
on youtube and you knew you had naked pics really didnt think o boy was gonna post them? or maybe she leaked them to get the most attention out of her little is attention that serious you have to expose yourself....people are on their channel saying "oh they arent naked"....well this bitch is assed out for the world to see.....when eva she decides to get a REAL job ( i dont consider dancing in pumpum shorts for niggas a job) i wonder how she will be looked at...if your employer sees this what will you do? give him a lap dance to keep your job (this bitch prolly would) or give him some of your nude pics.....what will you tell your kids "oh mommy wanted attention so i decided to send out some naked pics".....i really hope she doesnt have kids becuz i would b disappointed to call her "my mommy".... HERE IS THE PIC

Friday, June 26, 2009

The King of Pop RIP

so on june 25,2009 the greatest entertainer of all times Michael J. Jackson passed away due to cardic arrest. this man has impacts a load of entertainers and those of us who just enjoyed singing and dancing. this is a huge lost to the pop culture world. i see alot of people are having a lot of negative things about this man. one he's dead. let the man's soul rest in peace. 2 everyone is still talking bout the child molestation case. the problem wit the world is we believe everything we read in the media. were u in his room? do u kno if he touched them? how wuld u feel if u were a millionaire and people accused u of sumthin u didnt do? its alot of people in jail and on deathrow based on sum1 makin up a story. thats y u r not suppose 2 believe everything on this crackbox and in the paper. thats the problem wit the world. no1 wants 2 think for themselves they want the media 2 do it 4 them. i understand u bastards have freedom of speech. some of you take that right ad abuse it. if you have something hateful 2 say please keep it yourself because if you were in his shoes im pretty sure ur family and ignorant friends wouldnt want people talking negative about you in anyway shape or form. so grow up. act like an adult. like if you post on facebook "RIP to my aunt _____" would you like it if motherfuckers wrote on ur page "who gives a fuck about you dead aunt. no one cares. she dont care bout us so why should we care?" u kno u wuld highly pissed off and hurt. so you need to think about how others would feel you assholes. like i dont understand the ignorant and hateful bastards we have in this world. like for real. this is why i isolate myself because some people are just full of complete and utter ignorance. this man was abused as a child. this man has been performing since he was young. but i bet if this nigga 50 cent or jay z was shot all you michael haters would sit and put ur status as "RIP 50" get the fuck out of here. 50 cent has done nothing for the music game. michael was a mna who influence UR FAVORITE MUSICIAN AND YOUR LYING IF YOU SAY HE DIDNT. stop with the hate comments and status. let mike rest in peace. give his parents, siblings, children and his millions of fans respect that you would want for the ones you care about.

RIP Michael J JAckson. The King Of Pop Gone but Not Forgotten

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


so CUNY has offically raised tution for some schools went up by $600. ok 1st off some people will look at us and say that we are crazy complaining about $1700 tution when some are paying $24000. well let me say this. we decided to go to cuny because it was affordable. we came here because we couldnt afford to go out of state because it cost to much. books cost a good a grip and MTA isnt making this any eaier by raising fares at the end of th month. what is the point? NY is falling apart at the seams....our senate cant reach an agreement about who should run it. these fools are fighting amost one another while we are struggling to get a decent education. then the US government doesnt seem to care. we are to concern if obama is still smoking cigarettes or not. like come on. this is why so many students end up dropping out because they know they will go into debt fucking loans and messing up their credit. its crazy. they dont care. seriously. i think a protest should be done about this ASAP before the new semester starts

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the divorce

so tonight millions of us tuned in to the biggest episode of jon and kate plus 8. they announced what most of us already knew was coming : A DIVORCE. now by all means i do not condone divorce. if you can work it out do so. they only time i see fit for divorce is if abuse has started or you down right are about to kill ther person. we are not in the gosselins home when the cameras go off. we do not know what really goes down. from what we see they could have really worked it out. kate we saw is very controlling. jon is passive. but seriously...8 kids...i dont care what the media says u make it work 4 ur kids damn it. u tell ur kids that "mommy and daddy are going to be together forever." then you end up splitting up. the both of you are bouncing back and forth......i cant wait to see how this season turns out

Thursday, June 18, 2009

black women today......objects of lust

In these days and times what do men glorify....women that are half dressed with large backsides and large breast....why? why do we encourage black women to take there clothes off and parade around for money...i know some may say its being a hater or being jealous...honestly im glad i dont have large "assets". one do you know what these women are gonna look like in 30 years and when the money runs out? and then what will you tell your children and grandchildren? "oh i took my clothes off so you can have a betta life." "oh me being a porn star or taking ass shots got you this big house." like seriously.....i kno times are hard but y take ur clothes off for the pleasure of men? do you know what this stems from....alot of people do not think this is any harm....but do you know why people enjoy seeing black women with large butts parade around half naked for? this is the problem with our race and generation. no one sits and reads any more. we the internet for any and everything but educating ourselves. i gurantee if you ask alot of these black women who shake there ass on youtube dont know and pretty sure a load of black men do not know the story of Hottentot Venus aka Saartjie "Sarah" Baartman. some people say that she was the 1st "video vixen" b4 tv and media. this woman was from africa. she had large breast, wide hips and a large butt you know the things you men desire and find so attractive and beautiful. just like the women today she was promised fame and fortune for her body. in all reality this was not the case. she was kidnapped to europe and put on display like some kind of animal. white men would then lust over her body gourping and touching up on her. while there she was also forced into prositution. honestly i dont care how you slice it or dice it. what these girls do today is a form of prositution. when you are half naked or naked, shaking your ass, bent over on the net or tv, having sex for money you are selling youself. Baartman in the end died from "smallpox" according to the europeans, however she died from the STD syphilis. do you know what was done to her body after she died? ha none of you because you are to busy watching these hoes on youtube shake they asses. her vagina, butt and skeleton was put on display for a museum. no one knows this though because as a ppeople we dont attempt to educate ourselves smh. so when you sit and drool over you buffies, cherokees, cubanas, deelshises the list goes need to think...what if this was you daughter, sister or mother doing would you feel or react to it....we dont try to better ourselves....we sit and these things like its ok wen it really isnt. these girls on youtube your twerk teams, goonsquads think its cute to bend over because guys comment and say "oh you mad sexy, i wanna fuck you" no thats not cute at all. when you present yourself as a ho a man will approach u and treat u as one. you have so many black women who fought to gain us respect and we are spittin in their faces. all the struggles they went thru and these young women are just bent over ass in the air. we need to do better

Monday, June 15, 2009

celebs and the fam

we all know twitter is the new shit. i was sittin here on ustream watchin teyana taylor. thru out the vid she kept statin she hates how the media is hurtin her name. on tmz they said how she dressed up like rihanna and went 2 da laker-magic game wit chris brown. she wasnt even tryin to be like rihanna...

wat i realize is this....wit these young celebs they know what they are getting into...majority of them are 1. famous for nothin...i mean teyana is fly i like her swag shit is real....but i really dont kno wat she is famous 4 other than throwin a huge sweet 16.....alot of these young celebs know how vicious the media can be and how they tear people apart piece by piece. i honestly feel if u are a young celeb these days u dont have a rite 2 complain about it....u already kno wat people are goin 2 say....u kno they will have fansites dedicated 2 hatin u...u kno how cruel the media will b towards u....u shuldnt cry or bitch about old celebs who got into the game before the TMZ, the Mediatakeouts etc... u cant cry...suck it up and move on....if u dont like it find a new job....all they see is the fast money and all the glitz...then wen the media slanders u u r ready 2 cry and moan about how mean people r like wtf its like becomin a cop and sayin "oh i dont want people 2 shoot at me" its part of the job

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Im black......but am i proud?????

everyone sits and say that they are black and proud....seriously....can you really sit and say that you are black and proud? i mean i see nothing wrong be being black. i have no problem being african american. i honestly am not proud of some of the things my "people have been doing". for the 1st time yesterday in person i seen a black cop abuse his rights as an officer. when you are trying to arrest someone you do not sit and choke them while u are trying to handcuff them. its not that serious. then u dont want to show your badge? get the fuck out of here. this is y so many cops are being shot becuz they abuse their rights when it isnt needed. then we see how so many black men are just doing nothin wit themselves. ok one we need to stop blaming white people. ok yes they do in a sense control every got damn thing in the world but stop trying to say they are the ones who made u sell drugs, drop out of school and not get a damn job. maybe if you stop being so damn lazy and expecting everything to b handed to you it wouldnt b a problem now would it? dont think becuz obama is in office that you can do what you please and get away with no it doesnt work like that im sorry. he aint to far from white people geting up in his ass too. what people dont realize bout obama is that this man has a way with words. honestly what has he done since he been in office. i havent seen him do anything that really benefits me or anyone else. so yea try a new excuse for you bullshit. i mean dont get me wrong. i proud for people like harriet tubman, garrett a morgan, dr king, soljurner truth people like that, that have done something to benefit us as a people. so when you are saying u are black and proud majority of our pride has sumthin bad conflictin it

Monday, May 25, 2009

jon and kate plus 8

now everyone knows im a huge "jon and kate plus 8" viwer. i watch the shower every chance i get. i luv their kids and how they both manage to raise 8 young children. tonite season 5 airs. in my opinion i feel the media is full of shit. in a way they try to make it seem like jon is a victim. he said that he didnt want to do another seaon becuz "he cant b jon he has to be jon & kate plus 8." um well if u have such a problem no 1 is forcing u 2 stay. i mean that tlc money must b lookin nice if u are stayin on the show. now kate i do agree she goes ova board a bit. most dudes i kno wuld have been put her in her place already. she does abuse jon 2 a point that it isnt funny anymore. her attitude is a bit out there 2. its like she has her nose turned up to the world like she is high and mighty. in a sense she comes off a bit crazy in the head. like i mean ok she tryna b a good mom but wen u insult ur children and abuse ur husband its a bit out there. i mean cara and mady are brats. i can understand y they get yelled at. they cry more then the 6 lil kids do. like wtf how old r u grow up already. i dont understand it. the cheatin rumors are a bit out there 2. i mean ok if they fuckin around on each other thats them dont put them out in the open but i guess dats life in the media

Sunday, May 17, 2009

iDONT Support iTWERK

ok lately i been getting alot of emails on youtube about the comment i make on team twerks videos. alot of guys come at me and say o "im a hater" lemme tell you something i do not hate on them little girls. why would i hate on a bunch of chicks bent over half naked on youtube? like are you serious. nothin for me to hate on. secondly another thing is they say mizz twerksum is in college. well she is settin herself up for a downfall. whenever she decides to stop shaking her ass and get a job her youtube days will haunt her. she has nude pixs floating around on the internet. when your employer sees these pics what are you going to do??? give him a lap dance??? then if she is in school im pretty sure her grades arent B+ A-. if you are all over the country you have little time for school and to be there to study. so again the point someone pointed me out was irrelevant. then to make things worst her mother is their approve of your child bent over with all the nasty men in the world u are ok with her, you other daughter and their friends shaking their asses on the internet. is this what the world is coming to????? then again her mother is prolly one of those young mothers who prolly be in th club with her child. its sad. i wouldnt never support my sister, cuzzin, child or even my friends doing what these girls are doing. i swear. then these be the exact same feels who sit and wonder why: men rape us, call us out of our names, and dont have any respect for us. they want us to bend over and shake our asses and be on our knees. as i said before the stuff they do shuld be kept behind closed doors. if im going to shake my ass and bend over it will be for my boyfriend in the privacy of his room. why would i disrespect myself and bend over on the internet. you men can call me a hater all u want. i know u would think different if you child was doin wat they were doin and these boys make the comments you do. so before u go jump on sumthin make sure u think "wat if my child or wife was doin this". sex sells....drugs sell 2 and that dont make them good or ok

Saturday, May 16, 2009

females and face piercings

i noticed lately alot of females are putting holes in their faces.....these lip piercings, nose rings, eyebrow piercings, face piercing. like ew..are u that desperate 4 attention u gotta put holes in ur face???? im like wtf....u look dumb 1st off, then wen u go and attempt to get a job they wont hire u becuz all they see is the crap in ur face. like tongue rings and excessive ear piercing im all for. but once it moves onto your face.....u need 2 b slapped. its not cute are all. i mean if u ugly already den by all means do wat u do....u have nothin 2 lose...but if u are pretty y wuld u degrade ur beauty by mutilatin ur face. come chicas we need to do betta

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gangs are over rated to the max

ok lemme explain why i feel gangs are over rated.... 1st off gangs are like so 2001 2002....why are people still killing people over what color they are wearing???? like for real...every time you turn around someone is blood someone is crip...that shit was cute a few years ago but its pointless now. we have bigger issues to worry about but you have these assholes out here worrying bout who set banging harder. i dont understand it anymore.....and then they sad part is they are corrupting future generations. like the gang bangers who came before us were organized and they killed when it was needed..then these 90s niggas go on a rampage but still it wasnt that big of a deal...these new millinuem cats idk wats going on. we have a bunch of trigger happy no common sense niggas and dumb bitches runnin around. last year for halloween they wanted to cut people....ok 1st off for the guys...this is why women say u arent shit....u want 2 hurt us but then expect us 2 b there and hold u down at the end of the day....then for the dumb bitches that follow wit this gang shit.....seriously....its sad becuz you ladies dont see you are a pawn on a big chess are there to protect these men...but who's gonna protect you???? you do their dirty work: u push drugs, carry firearms, jump and rob innocent people... then wat? u are the one in jail tryna fight bitches off of u...u fuck up ur record for a nigga who wit a 99% chance wont see u let alone accept ur calls or write u. he forgets about u and finds another dumb girl to replace you becuz U got caught.....i dont understand it...these "gangsters" are risking their lives and the lives of other people for wat??? alot of people are dead or in j ail becuz of this wanna b a thug shit. this thug life shit aint cute. ok we all want money..their are legal and non violent ways to do that. cut the shit bout da white man holdin u down. u are holdin urself down by subjectin urself to join a fuckin gang u asshole. then when u make ILLEGAL money u have to hide. u have to hide the money, u have to hide from the cops and the feds.......fuck is the point???? y would i want money if i kno the cops are waitin 4 1 fuckin slip up and poof 2morro its gone and im doin 25 to life.................i dont understand the concept....u rather kill for a color den do a 25-year bid wit no chance of alot of these wanna b thugs are lackin alot of fuckin common ass sense. if it was alot more of this in the hood mayb our generation wouldnt be so fuckin corrupted the way it is now

Thursday, April 16, 2009

ok....i left some out the last blog so i can put it in this one. with the whole little boy jumpin off the roof. i blame alot of parents for not explaing to their children that the wwe is just sport isnt real. seriously....where have u been eva in ur lifetime and seen someone get hit wit a metal chair and sit they ass rite back up???or seen someone jump off a ladder over 30-50 feet in the air and they get back up.....come on people...lets show the children we have some type of common sense and care about their well come on...i've seen jeff hardy jump off a titantron, a 30 ft ladder and go thru tables, swanton on a garbage can and get isnt real....randy orton has punted people in the temple....hello if u get clocked in ya temple u are goin 2 b fucked up and not able 2 function yet niggas get up after being lets use or heads.....dont let the older audience suffer for some parents lack of trainin....either watch the show with you children or dont let them b exose 2 it at all.

kids and the media on 4/15/09 a little boy jumped off the roof of albany the family is trying to blame the WWE and my boy jeff hardy. ok 1 cut the bullshit....stop tryin 2 blame other people for ur bad parenting skills. one if your child is 9 years old why are they playin a game thats rated T meaning it is for teenagers. not 9 year olds. 2 ur other child must b really dumb that she didnt realize her little brother got out the house. albany project apartments are not that big. so how can you not hear the door opening and the plastic bag rattling. i mean come on....if im home wit my brother im damn sure goin 2 hear him opening the damn door. i dont get it...if you 9 year old son has a learning disability and apparently ur daughter has a hearin problem u leave them alone in the house....ok i mean i been left in the house b4 wen i was 8 years old but i knew not to go near the door, the stove or the wat was they excuse??? they dont have you really want to sit and say "oh its the wwe fault they show this to kids"....FUCK U AND FUCK OUTTA HERE....RAW,EWC and SMACKDOWN are all rated PG13...which means that if you are under the age of 13 an adult is suppose 2 watch it with u and explain to u that it is just entertainment dont try it at home, or ur lil ass shuldnt b watchin it at all. then they want to say o he was copyin jeff hardy.....niggas need to stop comin at my son...he did not tell this lil boy jump off the roof, he did not tell him become a hardy fan, he did not say o go try 2 do a swanton ur child was left unattended and u were 2 stupid to explain to ur child the right and wrongs of life. it is NOT the wwe fault that ur dumb ass daughter didnt hear her brother walking out of the apartment...i also blame albany housing 2. ook we know..dumb ass projects...but does that mean the people who are responsible for it need to b dumb??? no one can tell me nothin. i lived in the projects for a very long time and i never walked out the aparment to go on the roof and my grandmother always kept the door locked. why didnt this door have an alarm on it???? i mean we have locks on the doors to enter the buildin why not have it on the roofs. why not have alarms to let people kno sumone is on the roof. ok wow it was a camera...FUCK CAN A CAMERA DOOOO????I DONT UNDERSTAND SOME OF THESE PEOPLE. like i said tho...if the wwe is going to b sued its wrong. like i said lack of parentin is wat alot of these clowns poppin out babies now adays are lackin...if u have a child...and u have a child wit MS and a learning disability....and u have a child who sister apparently has a hearing problem......WHY THE FUCK WULD U LEAVE THEM ALONE IN THE APARMENT ALONE????? i dont understand i wish u are required by law to go 2 parentin class b4 u have a baby.....or u lose ur child point blank

Sunday, April 12, 2009

eating disorders

eating disorders are a huge thing today. i think wen top model did the model sterotypes it showed the the limits chicks would go to to become skinny. like its not that serious. however let me clear up a few joke or not i hate when people tell me im anorexic. 1 being anorexic means you are obsessed with your weight and you strive to maintain a certain weight....i am no obessed with my weight. i am not striving 2 b a size 0 or be a size 14. im comfortable with my body and my weight. i do not sit like most of these girls and say oh i need to stay this size for my boyfriend to like me, oh i have to stay this size for girls to accept me....fuck that i dont give a fuck if people think im skinny, fat or in the middle. as far as bulemia goes...thats some serious shit...when you force urself to throw up or take stuff to make you shit is to the i understand it if you take a laxative to clean your system we all need a good cleann out...but after every meal is ridiculous....i would never subject myself to that tourture at all. its crazy like i dont understand it...some say its a mental thing and thats why peole do dont have that self love and respect for their body and are too caught up with what everyone says.....fuck everyone and love you for you

when animals attack

ok white people....this blog is for you guys.....lets clear this up now....STOP FUCKIN WIT THE ANIMALS IN THE ZOO...i dont care if you a crazy or have a mental issue..u shuld have enough common sense to not jump into an animal enclosure....they are in these enclosures for a they dont attack your dumb ass wen you walk can not blame these animals for there actions...if their territory is being disrespected or invaded they are going to do what they are programed to...attack and destroy...recently a lady jumped into a polar bear enclosure and 3 bears began 2 attack sorry but them bears shuld chewed her ass into pieces....fuck would possess you to jump into polar infested dont have the edge they are in their element.....same way those guys jumped into the tiger sorry but like katt williams i found that shit funny as hell. if i was a tiger i would have chewed them guys to pieces too. its sad the tiger was shot in the process RIP tiger. white people please PLEASE explain to your kids how dangerous these zoo animals are. sit them down, make them watch "when animals attack 1-5" "when animals go bad" please this is getting out of hand

again making the band old r we....time out....nigga this is not school...we dont put people in corners and tell them take a time out....stop bullshittin drop this clown q already man...we are wasting air time dealing with him and his foreal...this was a waste of time this pass week....they went through all this drama and fighting and then rehearse their plea 4 if yall gonna fight and pop shit do it all the way dont wait til diddy wanna step in....
as far as danity kane goes....restarting wont wont b the same...the 5 he picked was da we gonna put 3 new chicks in the mix.....ummm sorry diddy dont expect another platnium wont work...stick 2 making reality tv cuz dats the only thing working rite now

Saturday, April 11, 2009

people and the internet

people....lets get things can not get mad when people insult you over the subject yourself to the touture.....if sumone sits and says "you look like a gorilla in your profile pic"....there is a 7 out of 10 chance you probably do....some people i dont understand...if you are going to put your pics on myspace,facebook,twitter shouldnt put the jacked up pics of you sorry. someone like me i cuts ass hardbody without a 2nd thought. if you look like a dirty tennis ball so be it. that pic wasnt meant to be put online. then some people go so if someone YOU DONT KNOW insults you why put the energy into agruing with someone through cyber space.....if you live in new york why are you arguing with someone in kansas about what you look like. ok we all take bad pictures every now and then..... but shuldnt put ALL you bad pictures online to be subjected to people cutting you come arent famous so you cant be like i got money (when i say rich i mean u live in a house and you arent sturggle and you dont live in the inner city so all u fuckers claimin u rich stop but thats another blog)....then you get mad if sumone tells you the truth....the truth hurts yes we know so if you dont want to hear it y subject yourself to the tourture of the honest people gettin in your ass????

to all the asshole men

ok fellas. this blog is for you. im sorry but you all look like dummies when you say "im homophobic but i like lesbians."...........SORRY NOT POSSIBLE....the term homophobic means you fear people who are attracted and have sexual relations with the same sex members.....LESBIANS ARE FEMALES WHO ARE INVOVLED WITH OTHER there 4 u are not do not sit and say with a str8 face saying you like gay girls but dont like gay isnt possible at all ok. so if you are homophobic you fear ALL GAYS. not just the men

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 takeout.....where do i begin with this i never seen so much bullshit in my life....i mean ok some of the stories are 1/4 true and then the rest they somehow pull out of they asses....majority of the stories they post are recycled over and over. they post things that arent even news or worth being posted online.....who cares what bobby valentino does on stage....who cares if ciara is swagger jackin beyonce....this stuff isnt news....when i go on this website pretty much 1 or 2 stories strike out as news......heres a hint for you guys at mediatakeout...put some educated people on your squad....i mean aol comes up with a load of bullshit everyday but at least there stories make sense and come off as news....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

reality tv whores

ok we all heard the saying sex ok....weed,crack,heroin and loads of other drugs sell to but that does not make it ok. we all luv watching these hilarious reality shows (flavor of love, i love new york, for the love of ray j, rock of love etc). we luv to see people make asses of themselves for our amusement. however somethings are just a bit too much. seeing these women prance around naked and then get famous off of it isnt cool at all. like all these women after the show is dead and done some how resurface half naked or completely ass out (literally) i dont get how that is setting a good example for our future generations. little girls are going to say "well they went on a show took their clothes had sex and got paid i can to." i would never want my cousin,nieces, and future children to sit and watch these shows thinking it ok to follow behind these women. like seriously. some of these women have kids, very young kids but they don seem to take that into consideration. ladies we have to show more respect to ourselves because if we dont who will?

youtube video tramps

ok now we all know lately the internet has become the downfall of alot of people. pictures and videos are getting people in all types of trouble lately. the one thing that shocks me is how some young women (espically african american women) are degrading themselves to get somewhere in life. since when has getting on the internet half naked get you somewhere in life. i guess my point comes down to this so called "dance team" called "Twerk Team"....ok first off these girls look like they are still in high school....1st mistake....2nd you are on YOUTUBE half naked shaking your asses. you are doing choregraphed dances you are just doing stripper before all the men say im hating trust me im far from it. shaking your ass half naked is not cool point blank. they think its fun now but if family members and future employers get a hold of this what can they do? go to magic city and strip? because that is where they are heading. however ass and tits start saggin at one point or whole thing is guys love this you would perfer to wife a slut then a girl who could in the end be the one for you. then they wonder why so many girls turn gay or think all men are dogs...look at what you prevs drool over. half naked under age girls who "twerk" on the internet....the shit is cool to do at parties i mean we all shake our asses at parties...however in your living room on the internet isnt the way to go. like i really try to understand what is it that guys see in this stuff. that is why our generation is so corrupted. i feel bad a woman of color to see fellow females do things like this online....this is why we have such a hard time getting men to respect us..this is why so many of our young sisters are single mothers...because girls do this and the man feels that is what is lacking in the they walk out to go be with an ass shaking chick....and then what? this is why white people have so many negative things to say about our race...this is why they say so many negative things about having a black president and a black 1st family...this is why racism is still around (right behind the reason of ignorance). because we dont know how to demand our respect...then they got the nerve to recruit other females???seriously..... no...not cool...then say dont send us videos in your underwear and thongs because we wont post them...HELLO YOU DUMB TRICKS THIS IS WHY WE SAY STAY IN SCHOOL....YOU GIRLS ARE ONLINE IN BRAS AND PUMPUMP SHORTS BENT OVER SHAKING YOUR TAILS AND THEN WANT TO RECRUIT YOUNG FEMALES TO DO THE im sorry there are better ways to put a meal on the table....

i'll leave it to you guys to leave your opinions

Thursday, April 2, 2009

making the band

ok making the band is really making me sick....diddy however is a smart motherfucker. he know damn well he cant keep a group together for shit (dream,112,new edition, total,da band, danity kane, possibly day26?). like what the hell. i dont know if he is doing it so we can have continous seasons but for real though i feel it is a tease. danity kane are my girls. i loved both albums....seriously...was it need to break them up...ok i mean throwing aurbrey out was cool if she wanna pose for playboy let her...but the other 4 dont deserve this shit what so isnt fair to them or the fans...

day26....these boys....great 1st album....2nd album starting to sound good...but what is this fool q's problem??? like why is it every episode this clown is crying or fighting with grow up already...its not about Q its about day26.....its crazy...he wont be satisfied until willie knock his ass out its sad because it shows how jealousy and money are the root of all also shows diddy is the ultimate pimp...all he does is pimp these groups...he produces all the albums...talks on all the all up in the videos...he getting guap..pimp of the decade goes to my son sean p diddy combs

beyonce vs kelly

so....word is beyonce is in on the whole scheme to ruin kelly's career....are we surprised no...these 2 have been on the scene for how many years now???? and we finally see whats coming to the light. matthew knowles (beyonce and supposedly kelly's father) started managing destiny's child....ok no biggie....then we see beyonce is lead on almost every song...ok still no problem beyonce can blow i give her that....ok latoya and lativa are kicked out.....kelly is all with beyonce...ok stand by your blood...enter michelle and farrah...exit farrah...what happened there??? soon after kelly and michelle fall into the background of the flags should have gone up...beyonce drops her 1st solo album...i love it you love it we all loved it....suddenly we hear rumors about destiny's child breaking up...dont you find it odd how as soon as beyonce has a platnium album the group "suddenly" wants to disband...these 3 were having no problem what so ever. they were going great but suddenly decide its over nah dont hit me with that bull. so kelly is a solo artist....she fires matthew...ok dont take it to that heart thats what clients do they fire their manager if they feel their careers arent picking up...if matthew wasnt so busy with beyonce's career he could have help kelly.....but now she has no label to call home.......Matthew u got some explaining to dooooo

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

animal cruelty

im am totally against the harming of innocent animals. i really am...some people say how is that u eat meat dont you? so u r 4 the cruelty of animals...however i do not find that true at all. ok yes i enjoy chicken,beef,pork,fish....i find sum vegans to b very contriversal though. 1st of they are against medical labs testing on animals...ok i know its harming an animal BUT in the same idea would you rather your mother die of cancer and a gorilla stay alive? some animal lovers dont want to hear it but its the truth...point blank in a all 4 throwing michael vick in jail. im against dog all for lockin people up who abuse their sum animal lovers not realize that if our ancestors (earliest humans homospaiens, homoerectus) didnt eat meat UM HELLO WE WOULDNT BE HERE i understand that ok killing an animal a living thing is wrong...but hello no1 NO1 will ever survive on plants alone. you maybe a vegan now but you better believe you were raised on meat. im sorry. i mean i dont wear fur that im against i dont think a animal should have its fur/skin removed for me to wear it...that i agree with...but when it comes 2 survival...meat is needed. sorry PETA

i would love to hear people's input on this


i kno like myself thousands of new yorkers are highly upset that mta is trying to raise fares in the city. how can this be? we are in a terrible recession and they are trying to take more of the little bit of money that people are trying to get by on. albany has shown little intrest in helping out the city. 1st lets look at the problems

1. $2.00 to $2.50....$2.00 isnt even a sanwich anymore

2.service will be cut...ok bad enough you have to wait on average 15 minutes for a bus or train and even longer on the weekend they are cutting services (for those who dont know)

Eliminate all service on M6, 8, 10, 18, 27, 30, and X25
Eliminate weekend service on M21, 22, and 50
Eliminate overnight service on M1, 2, 16, 22, 23, 42, 50, 66, 79, 96, 102, 103, and 104
Reduce operating hours on M11, 20, 21, 100, and 116
Reroute or eliminate portion of M1 (weekends only), M9, 15, 21, and 104
Eliminate all service on the B23, 25, 37, 39, 51, and 75
Eliminate weekend service on B2, 4, 7, 16, 24, 48, 57, 65, 69, 71, X27, and X28
Eliminate overnight service on B7, 14, 31, 45, 48, 57, 64, 65, 67, and 77.
Reduce operating hours on B2, 4, 9, 11, 13, 16, 69, 70, and 71
Eliminate portion of B13 route
Eliminate all service on the Bx4, 14, 20, 34, BxM7B, and the Barretto Park Pool Shuttle
Eliminate weekend service on Bx8 (Sun only), 18, 30, and 33
Eliminate overnight service on Bx10
Reduce operating hours on Bx33. Reroute or eliminate portion of Bx26, 28, and 30
Eliminate all service on Q26, 56, 74, 75, 84, QM22, QM23, and X32
Eliminate weekend service on Q14, 31, 76, and 79
Eliminate overnight service on Q30
Reduce operating hours on Q42, 48, and 79
Eliminate portion of Q24 route
Staten Island
Eliminate weekend service on S42, 54, 57, 60, and 76
Reduce operating hours of weekday service on S54, 57, 60, and 66
Long Island Bus
For additional details on LI Bus changes,
click here.
Eliminate all service on N51, 53, 65, 66, 67, 80, 87, and 93
Discontinue weekday peak period N2 extension to Jamaica
Long Island Rail Road
Eliminate weekend service on West Hempstead Branch
Reduce weekday off-peak and weekend service on the Port Washington Branch from half-hourly to hourly
Eliminate service to Belmont Station except for Belmont Stakes day

so we are now paying for crapier service

3.buses and trains are already over they not realize cuttin more serivce will make it 20x harder about once you get to 9th grade you no longer recieve metrocards...its bad enuff they hop the turnstiles and get on the bus for free stop putting money into school passes budget should close some

how about that

hmmm clear the air

there is always a discussion or problem wen people hear the term "bad bitch"...some say it is degrading to call urself a bitch or u shuldnt say things like that...well let me clear it up 2 sum folks....

a bad bitch is sumone who is confident in herself. she does wat she needs 2 do to get by. she doesnt let anyone or anything stand in her way. she always holds herself to a certain standard. some people feel wen they hear trina, lil kim or nicki minaj say "oh im the baddest bitch" its hand down a sexual reference. no...for us who are not in the media eye being a bad bitch does not mean you have to open ya legs to get something u want. A BAD BITCH does wat is needed. she has her mind right. she has her game plan right. these girls that are out here on youtube shaking their asses, half naked are not bad bitches....they are sluts who need attention..they take away the true meaning of being a bad bitch

1st time

well im on this blogger site 2 hmmm how do i start off...well 1st the name is lady dro. u dont need 2 kno any im a brilliant, intelligent, confident yung lady...i dont have time for in school trying to make something out of this thing called life....guess thats pretty much it...stay tuned folks