Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the divorce

so tonight millions of us tuned in to the biggest episode of jon and kate plus 8. they announced what most of us already knew was coming : A DIVORCE. now by all means i do not condone divorce. if you can work it out do so. they only time i see fit for divorce is if abuse has started or you down right are about to kill ther person. we are not in the gosselins home when the cameras go off. we do not know what really goes down. from what we see they could have really worked it out. kate we saw is very controlling. jon is passive. but seriously...8 kids...i dont care what the media says u make it work 4 ur kids damn it. u tell ur kids that "mommy and daddy are going to be together forever." then you end up splitting up. the both of you are bouncing back and forth......i cant wait to see how this season turns out

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