Sunday, April 12, 2009

eating disorders

eating disorders are a huge thing today. i think wen top model did the model sterotypes it showed the the limits chicks would go to to become skinny. like its not that serious. however let me clear up a few joke or not i hate when people tell me im anorexic. 1 being anorexic means you are obsessed with your weight and you strive to maintain a certain weight....i am no obessed with my weight. i am not striving 2 b a size 0 or be a size 14. im comfortable with my body and my weight. i do not sit like most of these girls and say oh i need to stay this size for my boyfriend to like me, oh i have to stay this size for girls to accept me....fuck that i dont give a fuck if people think im skinny, fat or in the middle. as far as bulemia goes...thats some serious shit...when you force urself to throw up or take stuff to make you shit is to the i understand it if you take a laxative to clean your system we all need a good cleann out...but after every meal is ridiculous....i would never subject myself to that tourture at all. its crazy like i dont understand it...some say its a mental thing and thats why peole do dont have that self love and respect for their body and are too caught up with what everyone says.....fuck everyone and love you for you

1 comment:

  1. Actually, most people with eating disorders, however they start, its usually about control of some sort. With a healthy dose of crappy self image.
