Tuesday, March 31, 2009

animal cruelty

im am totally against the harming of innocent animals. i really am...some people say how is that u eat meat dont you? so u r 4 the cruelty of animals...however i do not find that true at all. ok yes i enjoy chicken,beef,pork,fish....i find sum vegans to b very contriversal though. 1st of they are against medical labs testing on animals...ok i know its harming an animal BUT in the same idea would you rather your mother die of cancer and a gorilla stay alive? some animal lovers dont want to hear it but its the truth...point blank in a nutshell...im all 4 throwing michael vick in jail. im against dog fightin..im all for lockin people up who abuse their pets..also..do sum animal lovers not realize that if our ancestors (earliest humans homospaiens, homoerectus) didnt eat meat UM HELLO WE WOULDNT BE HERE i understand that ok killing an animal a living thing is wrong...but hello no1 NO1 will ever survive on plants alone. you maybe a vegan now but you better believe you were raised on meat. im sorry. i mean i dont wear fur that im against i dont think a animal should have its fur/skin removed for me to wear it...that i agree with...but when it comes 2 survival...meat is needed. sorry PETA

i would love to hear people's input on this

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