Monday, May 25, 2009

jon and kate plus 8

now everyone knows im a huge "jon and kate plus 8" viwer. i watch the shower every chance i get. i luv their kids and how they both manage to raise 8 young children. tonite season 5 airs. in my opinion i feel the media is full of shit. in a way they try to make it seem like jon is a victim. he said that he didnt want to do another seaon becuz "he cant b jon he has to be jon & kate plus 8." um well if u have such a problem no 1 is forcing u 2 stay. i mean that tlc money must b lookin nice if u are stayin on the show. now kate i do agree she goes ova board a bit. most dudes i kno wuld have been put her in her place already. she does abuse jon 2 a point that it isnt funny anymore. her attitude is a bit out there 2. its like she has her nose turned up to the world like she is high and mighty. in a sense she comes off a bit crazy in the head. like i mean ok she tryna b a good mom but wen u insult ur children and abuse ur husband its a bit out there. i mean cara and mady are brats. i can understand y they get yelled at. they cry more then the 6 lil kids do. like wtf how old r u grow up already. i dont understand it. the cheatin rumors are a bit out there 2. i mean ok if they fuckin around on each other thats them dont put them out in the open but i guess dats life in the media

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