Friday, June 26, 2009

The King of Pop RIP

so on june 25,2009 the greatest entertainer of all times Michael J. Jackson passed away due to cardic arrest. this man has impacts a load of entertainers and those of us who just enjoyed singing and dancing. this is a huge lost to the pop culture world. i see alot of people are having a lot of negative things about this man. one he's dead. let the man's soul rest in peace. 2 everyone is still talking bout the child molestation case. the problem wit the world is we believe everything we read in the media. were u in his room? do u kno if he touched them? how wuld u feel if u were a millionaire and people accused u of sumthin u didnt do? its alot of people in jail and on deathrow based on sum1 makin up a story. thats y u r not suppose 2 believe everything on this crackbox and in the paper. thats the problem wit the world. no1 wants 2 think for themselves they want the media 2 do it 4 them. i understand u bastards have freedom of speech. some of you take that right ad abuse it. if you have something hateful 2 say please keep it yourself because if you were in his shoes im pretty sure ur family and ignorant friends wouldnt want people talking negative about you in anyway shape or form. so grow up. act like an adult. like if you post on facebook "RIP to my aunt _____" would you like it if motherfuckers wrote on ur page "who gives a fuck about you dead aunt. no one cares. she dont care bout us so why should we care?" u kno u wuld highly pissed off and hurt. so you need to think about how others would feel you assholes. like i dont understand the ignorant and hateful bastards we have in this world. like for real. this is why i isolate myself because some people are just full of complete and utter ignorance. this man was abused as a child. this man has been performing since he was young. but i bet if this nigga 50 cent or jay z was shot all you michael haters would sit and put ur status as "RIP 50" get the fuck out of here. 50 cent has done nothing for the music game. michael was a mna who influence UR FAVORITE MUSICIAN AND YOUR LYING IF YOU SAY HE DIDNT. stop with the hate comments and status. let mike rest in peace. give his parents, siblings, children and his millions of fans respect that you would want for the ones you care about.

RIP Michael J JAckson. The King Of Pop Gone but Not Forgotten

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