Sunday, September 13, 2009

celebs get beat its a huge deal

I dont get why every time a female celeb is beaten up the whole world feels the need to stop. It makes no sense. Women are beaten every single day. Most of the women who r in shelters are there because they are running from an abusive lover. I dont see the world stopping for them. Its like dont start givin pity because chris brown went upside rihanna head or because tila got her ass beat supposedly. 1 i dont condone any domestic violence what so eva. However im finding tila's story hard 2 believe. 1 the football player said she was drunk. She says she cant drink. On her show "shot at love" what the hell were they drinkin during the toast? Water? Like if you gonna lie make it a good 1. Also she tweets way too much. This is why the damn DA aint taking this girl serious. They prolly think its a stunt for her 2 up her fanbase. She tweeting everything thats going on and what they are doing. Do like rihanna SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT IT. U see the hell they givin chris brown maybe shawn wulda got it 2 if you woulda shut the hell up. Like i dont get the people in this damn country. 1st yall so quick to jump on tila jock but an AVERAGE women gets her ass beat everyone turns the other way. Cut the bullshit 4 real. If you gonna be for a cause be for it all the way not because so tv whore got her ass handed to her. Then again i wanna see a note from a doctor stating them bruises were legit. Like come on. I hate the way this shit going down. Same way people only act patriotic on 9/11 because it was an attack on american soil.......werd?....really....SO WAT THE FUCK WAS PEARL HARBOR AND THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION???? REMEMBER WEN JAPAN BOMBED HAWAII AND BRITIAN CAME AND TRIED 2 KICK OUR ASS? WHERE IS ALL THE LUV 4 THAT???? Please people cut your bullshit because its not right

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