Sunday, June 7, 2009

Im black......but am i proud?????

everyone sits and say that they are black and proud....seriously....can you really sit and say that you are black and proud? i mean i see nothing wrong be being black. i have no problem being african american. i honestly am not proud of some of the things my "people have been doing". for the 1st time yesterday in person i seen a black cop abuse his rights as an officer. when you are trying to arrest someone you do not sit and choke them while u are trying to handcuff them. its not that serious. then u dont want to show your badge? get the fuck out of here. this is y so many cops are being shot becuz they abuse their rights when it isnt needed. then we see how so many black men are just doing nothin wit themselves. ok one we need to stop blaming white people. ok yes they do in a sense control every got damn thing in the world but stop trying to say they are the ones who made u sell drugs, drop out of school and not get a damn job. maybe if you stop being so damn lazy and expecting everything to b handed to you it wouldnt b a problem now would it? dont think becuz obama is in office that you can do what you please and get away with no it doesnt work like that im sorry. he aint to far from white people geting up in his ass too. what people dont realize bout obama is that this man has a way with words. honestly what has he done since he been in office. i havent seen him do anything that really benefits me or anyone else. so yea try a new excuse for you bullshit. i mean dont get me wrong. i proud for people like harriet tubman, garrett a morgan, dr king, soljurner truth people like that, that have done something to benefit us as a people. so when you are saying u are black and proud majority of our pride has sumthin bad conflictin it

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