Tuesday, February 16, 2010

new year same old bull

i thought i could leave things in the past but i see i cant. rachet females want to bring the bull into 2010. well its a new year and frankly i have a i dont give a fuck attitude. im tried of giving bitches passes and letting shit rock. nope time to air bitches out like old blankets.

first off i dont get how corrine wilson is still around. this bitch need to go get the largest knife she can find and just committ suicide already. im tired of the shit so now ima just open the can of worms

1st if you gonna lie about me to my man make it a believable lie. HOW THE HELL DID I HACK YOUR AIM U STUPID HO? like seriously. im with him 99% of my time and the other 1% is spent doing field work for college (something you wont ever achieve in life). you are writing your stupid aways trying to sound like me. I WOULD NEVER TELL A BITCH IMA BLOW HER FACE OFF. thats not how i talk ok. 2nd you lied and told ya fat ass friend i was talking bout her....seriously you tryna bring extra parties into the mix. i dont know ya friend and dont care to know the bitch. she pussy tho cuz how her and HER MOTHER went up to my man and tried to get trill on him in the store. yet they saw me on the ave and nothing was said to me....thats alot of that going on let us recap:
you said you were going to fuck me up yet....you saw me on elton and new lots wit ya lil piggies....u went down the block when you saw me
you seen me on cleveland and i even stood there while my hubby spoke to one of ya "friends" and u moved and said nothin
you saw me at the cleveland block party...from what i hear you always speak but that day you decided to keep walking on the other side of the block
so stop talkin trill shit if you dont plan on doing nothin cuz u gonna fuck up and pass the wrong threat to me and its gonna be no words 4 u anymore

then you had your nerve to tell me u gonna talk to my man if u want i have no say in it...oh really bitch im his wife i have a say in alot of shit he do. so when it comes 2 u ur ass got cut off who u think told him u was triflin cut u out his life ME BITCH. but lets get to the real worms.....lets discuss the dirt you dooo. u put in ya blog who u fucked on da block...guess what i heard:

well in the month of december trust went away and let d watch his crib (u kno da apartment on elton) so you happen to come thru and the homies was there. long story short u smashed da homies. point blank niggas said it so aint no getting out of it. but thats not the best part. NIGGAS SAID YA SHIT STINK SUMTHIN TERRIBLE. BITCH THAT Y NIGGAS DONT WANNA STAY WIT U CUZ U SMELL LIKE SOMETHING SAID FUCK LIFE AND DIED BETWEEN YOUR LEGS. also wat type of bitch lets a nigga snuff her calls the cops on him den goes back a few years lata and sucks him off??? are u stupid simple or retard. oh yea i forgot u and ur crew still taking regents anyway do not ever in your life come at my head ever again and think shit gonna be sweet. i know you got mad when my hubby aired you out on aim calling you a smut and putting ya number out der. bet ya feelings was hella hurt. I told you dont fuck wit me shit he went harder then what i would have done. so if u dont want war dont start a battle. im the wrong bitch to get caught up with. so what i suggest you do...go crawl under a rock. keep my name out ya mouth, ya aim, ya myspace wat eva and stay away from my hubby or dats ya ass...ok donkey kong.

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