Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gangs are over rated to the max

ok lemme explain why i feel gangs are over rated.... 1st off gangs are like so 2001 2002....why are people still killing people over what color they are wearing???? like for real...every time you turn around someone is blood someone is crip...that shit was cute a few years ago but its pointless now. we have bigger issues to worry about but you have these assholes out here worrying bout who set banging harder. i dont understand it anymore.....and then they sad part is they are corrupting future generations. like the gang bangers who came before us were organized and they killed when it was needed..then these 90s niggas go on a rampage but still it wasnt that big of a deal...these new millinuem cats idk wats going on. we have a bunch of trigger happy no common sense niggas and dumb bitches runnin around. last year for halloween they wanted to cut people....ok 1st off for the guys...this is why women say u arent shit....u want 2 hurt us but then expect us 2 b there and hold u down at the end of the day....then for the dumb bitches that follow wit this gang shit.....seriously....its sad becuz you ladies dont see you are a pawn on a big chess are there to protect these men...but who's gonna protect you???? you do their dirty work: u push drugs, carry firearms, jump and rob innocent people... then wat? u are the one in jail tryna fight bitches off of u...u fuck up ur record for a nigga who wit a 99% chance wont see u let alone accept ur calls or write u. he forgets about u and finds another dumb girl to replace you becuz U got caught.....i dont understand it...these "gangsters" are risking their lives and the lives of other people for wat??? alot of people are dead or in j ail becuz of this wanna b a thug shit. this thug life shit aint cute. ok we all want money..their are legal and non violent ways to do that. cut the shit bout da white man holdin u down. u are holdin urself down by subjectin urself to join a fuckin gang u asshole. then when u make ILLEGAL money u have to hide. u have to hide the money, u have to hide from the cops and the feds.......fuck is the point???? y would i want money if i kno the cops are waitin 4 1 fuckin slip up and poof 2morro its gone and im doin 25 to life.................i dont understand the concept....u rather kill for a color den do a 25-year bid wit no chance of alot of these wanna b thugs are lackin alot of fuckin common ass sense. if it was alot more of this in the hood mayb our generation wouldnt be so fuckin corrupted the way it is now

Thursday, April 16, 2009

ok....i left some out the last blog so i can put it in this one. with the whole little boy jumpin off the roof. i blame alot of parents for not explaing to their children that the wwe is just sport isnt real. seriously....where have u been eva in ur lifetime and seen someone get hit wit a metal chair and sit they ass rite back up???or seen someone jump off a ladder over 30-50 feet in the air and they get back up.....come on people...lets show the children we have some type of common sense and care about their well come on...i've seen jeff hardy jump off a titantron, a 30 ft ladder and go thru tables, swanton on a garbage can and get isnt real....randy orton has punted people in the temple....hello if u get clocked in ya temple u are goin 2 b fucked up and not able 2 function yet niggas get up after being lets use or heads.....dont let the older audience suffer for some parents lack of trainin....either watch the show with you children or dont let them b exose 2 it at all.

kids and the media on 4/15/09 a little boy jumped off the roof of albany the family is trying to blame the WWE and my boy jeff hardy. ok 1 cut the bullshit....stop tryin 2 blame other people for ur bad parenting skills. one if your child is 9 years old why are they playin a game thats rated T meaning it is for teenagers. not 9 year olds. 2 ur other child must b really dumb that she didnt realize her little brother got out the house. albany project apartments are not that big. so how can you not hear the door opening and the plastic bag rattling. i mean come on....if im home wit my brother im damn sure goin 2 hear him opening the damn door. i dont get it...if you 9 year old son has a learning disability and apparently ur daughter has a hearin problem u leave them alone in the house....ok i mean i been left in the house b4 wen i was 8 years old but i knew not to go near the door, the stove or the wat was they excuse??? they dont have you really want to sit and say "oh its the wwe fault they show this to kids"....FUCK U AND FUCK OUTTA HERE....RAW,EWC and SMACKDOWN are all rated PG13...which means that if you are under the age of 13 an adult is suppose 2 watch it with u and explain to u that it is just entertainment dont try it at home, or ur lil ass shuldnt b watchin it at all. then they want to say o he was copyin jeff hardy.....niggas need to stop comin at my son...he did not tell this lil boy jump off the roof, he did not tell him become a hardy fan, he did not say o go try 2 do a swanton ur child was left unattended and u were 2 stupid to explain to ur child the right and wrongs of life. it is NOT the wwe fault that ur dumb ass daughter didnt hear her brother walking out of the apartment...i also blame albany housing 2. ook we know..dumb ass projects...but does that mean the people who are responsible for it need to b dumb??? no one can tell me nothin. i lived in the projects for a very long time and i never walked out the aparment to go on the roof and my grandmother always kept the door locked. why didnt this door have an alarm on it???? i mean we have locks on the doors to enter the buildin why not have it on the roofs. why not have alarms to let people kno sumone is on the roof. ok wow it was a camera...FUCK CAN A CAMERA DOOOO????I DONT UNDERSTAND SOME OF THESE PEOPLE. like i said tho...if the wwe is going to b sued its wrong. like i said lack of parentin is wat alot of these clowns poppin out babies now adays are lackin...if u have a child...and u have a child wit MS and a learning disability....and u have a child who sister apparently has a hearing problem......WHY THE FUCK WULD U LEAVE THEM ALONE IN THE APARMENT ALONE????? i dont understand i wish u are required by law to go 2 parentin class b4 u have a baby.....or u lose ur child point blank

Sunday, April 12, 2009

eating disorders

eating disorders are a huge thing today. i think wen top model did the model sterotypes it showed the the limits chicks would go to to become skinny. like its not that serious. however let me clear up a few joke or not i hate when people tell me im anorexic. 1 being anorexic means you are obsessed with your weight and you strive to maintain a certain weight....i am no obessed with my weight. i am not striving 2 b a size 0 or be a size 14. im comfortable with my body and my weight. i do not sit like most of these girls and say oh i need to stay this size for my boyfriend to like me, oh i have to stay this size for girls to accept me....fuck that i dont give a fuck if people think im skinny, fat or in the middle. as far as bulemia goes...thats some serious shit...when you force urself to throw up or take stuff to make you shit is to the i understand it if you take a laxative to clean your system we all need a good cleann out...but after every meal is ridiculous....i would never subject myself to that tourture at all. its crazy like i dont understand it...some say its a mental thing and thats why peole do dont have that self love and respect for their body and are too caught up with what everyone says.....fuck everyone and love you for you

when animals attack

ok white people....this blog is for you guys.....lets clear this up now....STOP FUCKIN WIT THE ANIMALS IN THE ZOO...i dont care if you a crazy or have a mental issue..u shuld have enough common sense to not jump into an animal enclosure....they are in these enclosures for a they dont attack your dumb ass wen you walk can not blame these animals for there actions...if their territory is being disrespected or invaded they are going to do what they are programed to...attack and destroy...recently a lady jumped into a polar bear enclosure and 3 bears began 2 attack sorry but them bears shuld chewed her ass into pieces....fuck would possess you to jump into polar infested dont have the edge they are in their element.....same way those guys jumped into the tiger sorry but like katt williams i found that shit funny as hell. if i was a tiger i would have chewed them guys to pieces too. its sad the tiger was shot in the process RIP tiger. white people please PLEASE explain to your kids how dangerous these zoo animals are. sit them down, make them watch "when animals attack 1-5" "when animals go bad" please this is getting out of hand

again making the band old r we....time out....nigga this is not school...we dont put people in corners and tell them take a time out....stop bullshittin drop this clown q already man...we are wasting air time dealing with him and his foreal...this was a waste of time this pass week....they went through all this drama and fighting and then rehearse their plea 4 if yall gonna fight and pop shit do it all the way dont wait til diddy wanna step in....
as far as danity kane goes....restarting wont wont b the same...the 5 he picked was da we gonna put 3 new chicks in the mix.....ummm sorry diddy dont expect another platnium wont work...stick 2 making reality tv cuz dats the only thing working rite now

Saturday, April 11, 2009

people and the internet

people....lets get things can not get mad when people insult you over the subject yourself to the touture.....if sumone sits and says "you look like a gorilla in your profile pic"....there is a 7 out of 10 chance you probably do....some people i dont understand...if you are going to put your pics on myspace,facebook,twitter shouldnt put the jacked up pics of you sorry. someone like me i cuts ass hardbody without a 2nd thought. if you look like a dirty tennis ball so be it. that pic wasnt meant to be put online. then some people go so if someone YOU DONT KNOW insults you why put the energy into agruing with someone through cyber space.....if you live in new york why are you arguing with someone in kansas about what you look like. ok we all take bad pictures every now and then..... but shuldnt put ALL you bad pictures online to be subjected to people cutting you come arent famous so you cant be like i got money (when i say rich i mean u live in a house and you arent sturggle and you dont live in the inner city so all u fuckers claimin u rich stop but thats another blog)....then you get mad if sumone tells you the truth....the truth hurts yes we know so if you dont want to hear it y subject yourself to the tourture of the honest people gettin in your ass????

to all the asshole men

ok fellas. this blog is for you. im sorry but you all look like dummies when you say "im homophobic but i like lesbians."...........SORRY NOT POSSIBLE....the term homophobic means you fear people who are attracted and have sexual relations with the same sex members.....LESBIANS ARE FEMALES WHO ARE INVOVLED WITH OTHER there 4 u are not do not sit and say with a str8 face saying you like gay girls but dont like gay isnt possible at all ok. so if you are homophobic you fear ALL GAYS. not just the men

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 takeout.....where do i begin with this i never seen so much bullshit in my life....i mean ok some of the stories are 1/4 true and then the rest they somehow pull out of they asses....majority of the stories they post are recycled over and over. they post things that arent even news or worth being posted online.....who cares what bobby valentino does on stage....who cares if ciara is swagger jackin beyonce....this stuff isnt news....when i go on this website pretty much 1 or 2 stories strike out as news......heres a hint for you guys at mediatakeout...put some educated people on your squad....i mean aol comes up with a load of bullshit everyday but at least there stories make sense and come off as news....

Sunday, April 5, 2009

reality tv whores

ok we all heard the saying sex ok....weed,crack,heroin and loads of other drugs sell to but that does not make it ok. we all luv watching these hilarious reality shows (flavor of love, i love new york, for the love of ray j, rock of love etc). we luv to see people make asses of themselves for our amusement. however somethings are just a bit too much. seeing these women prance around naked and then get famous off of it isnt cool at all. like all these women after the show is dead and done some how resurface half naked or completely ass out (literally) i dont get how that is setting a good example for our future generations. little girls are going to say "well they went on a show took their clothes had sex and got paid i can to." i would never want my cousin,nieces, and future children to sit and watch these shows thinking it ok to follow behind these women. like seriously. some of these women have kids, very young kids but they don seem to take that into consideration. ladies we have to show more respect to ourselves because if we dont who will?

youtube video tramps

ok now we all know lately the internet has become the downfall of alot of people. pictures and videos are getting people in all types of trouble lately. the one thing that shocks me is how some young women (espically african american women) are degrading themselves to get somewhere in life. since when has getting on the internet half naked get you somewhere in life. i guess my point comes down to this so called "dance team" called "Twerk Team"....ok first off these girls look like they are still in high school....1st mistake....2nd you are on YOUTUBE half naked shaking your asses. you are doing choregraphed dances you are just doing stripper before all the men say im hating trust me im far from it. shaking your ass half naked is not cool point blank. they think its fun now but if family members and future employers get a hold of this what can they do? go to magic city and strip? because that is where they are heading. however ass and tits start saggin at one point or whole thing is guys love this you would perfer to wife a slut then a girl who could in the end be the one for you. then they wonder why so many girls turn gay or think all men are dogs...look at what you prevs drool over. half naked under age girls who "twerk" on the internet....the shit is cool to do at parties i mean we all shake our asses at parties...however in your living room on the internet isnt the way to go. like i really try to understand what is it that guys see in this stuff. that is why our generation is so corrupted. i feel bad a woman of color to see fellow females do things like this online....this is why we have such a hard time getting men to respect us..this is why so many of our young sisters are single mothers...because girls do this and the man feels that is what is lacking in the they walk out to go be with an ass shaking chick....and then what? this is why white people have so many negative things to say about our race...this is why they say so many negative things about having a black president and a black 1st family...this is why racism is still around (right behind the reason of ignorance). because we dont know how to demand our respect...then they got the nerve to recruit other females???seriously..... no...not cool...then say dont send us videos in your underwear and thongs because we wont post them...HELLO YOU DUMB TRICKS THIS IS WHY WE SAY STAY IN SCHOOL....YOU GIRLS ARE ONLINE IN BRAS AND PUMPUMP SHORTS BENT OVER SHAKING YOUR TAILS AND THEN WANT TO RECRUIT YOUNG FEMALES TO DO THE im sorry there are better ways to put a meal on the table....

i'll leave it to you guys to leave your opinions

Thursday, April 2, 2009

making the band

ok making the band is really making me sick....diddy however is a smart motherfucker. he know damn well he cant keep a group together for shit (dream,112,new edition, total,da band, danity kane, possibly day26?). like what the hell. i dont know if he is doing it so we can have continous seasons but for real though i feel it is a tease. danity kane are my girls. i loved both albums....seriously...was it need to break them up...ok i mean throwing aurbrey out was cool if she wanna pose for playboy let her...but the other 4 dont deserve this shit what so isnt fair to them or the fans...

day26....these boys....great 1st album....2nd album starting to sound good...but what is this fool q's problem??? like why is it every episode this clown is crying or fighting with grow up already...its not about Q its about day26.....its crazy...he wont be satisfied until willie knock his ass out its sad because it shows how jealousy and money are the root of all also shows diddy is the ultimate pimp...all he does is pimp these groups...he produces all the albums...talks on all the all up in the videos...he getting guap..pimp of the decade goes to my son sean p diddy combs

beyonce vs kelly

so....word is beyonce is in on the whole scheme to ruin kelly's career....are we surprised no...these 2 have been on the scene for how many years now???? and we finally see whats coming to the light. matthew knowles (beyonce and supposedly kelly's father) started managing destiny's child....ok no biggie....then we see beyonce is lead on almost every song...ok still no problem beyonce can blow i give her that....ok latoya and lativa are kicked out.....kelly is all with beyonce...ok stand by your blood...enter michelle and farrah...exit farrah...what happened there??? soon after kelly and michelle fall into the background of the flags should have gone up...beyonce drops her 1st solo album...i love it you love it we all loved it....suddenly we hear rumors about destiny's child breaking up...dont you find it odd how as soon as beyonce has a platnium album the group "suddenly" wants to disband...these 3 were having no problem what so ever. they were going great but suddenly decide its over nah dont hit me with that bull. so kelly is a solo artist....she fires matthew...ok dont take it to that heart thats what clients do they fire their manager if they feel their careers arent picking up...if matthew wasnt so busy with beyonce's career he could have help kelly.....but now she has no label to call home.......Matthew u got some explaining to dooooo